"Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life."
— Mark Twain
While I spent the majority of the first day of the new year in a day after too much champagne stupor,I have a sneaking suspicion that 2011 will be my favorite year yet. I know that this may be a wee bit premature considering that it is only the second day of the year but for me 2011 signifies something much more than another passing year; it is the year when everything changes. In a few short months I will be graduating from college and hopefully moving 2,000 miles away to the west coast. Each of these things are monumental in themselves but when combined they have the ability to be utterly terrifying.
In all honesty, I am way too excited to be scared at the moment. It feels like all of the little moments from the past 21 years are finally culminating and forcing me to push myself in ways that were previously unimaginable. So before I start talking about molting and condensing my life into sounding like an after school special I figure it is time to talk about goals.
First off I know that the beginning of the year is typically when people challenge themselves with seemingly impossible expectations such as: "this year i am going to lose 100 pounds, speak to animals, and learn to fly!" yada yada yada you get the point. This year I decided that my resolution would be something doable and most importantly something fun. So, without further ado my new years resolution is simply to wear lipstick. I believe this all sprouted from a certain eighties party a few months ago (picture to follow) where I decided it would be an awesome time to buy a tube of red lipstick that I had been coveting for weeks. While the wearing of the lipstick in the physical sense isn't really a big deal it is more about the feeling I got from trying something new and not being concerned about what people think. Ideally the wearing of the lipstick is meant to encourage me to be brave, take chances, and always be willing to try a new shade even if the old one is working for me. While I do have a few weight loss aspirations (and a new accountably partner) for the new year I am not allowing my weight to make or break how I feel. While I fully support others for making their new years resolution about weight loss goals I know that for me it would cause guilt and anger if I didn't fully succeed. I need my 2011 to be about acceptance and bettering more than just the physical. I hope you will all send me good vibes while I am seeking this acceptance and know that I wish you luck and courage this new year. I also hope that you have fun finding that perfect shade of lipstick or at the very least have fun searching for it.
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