I think I am ready to take this blog in a new direction... Make it more about life and less about food; don't get me wrong there will be yummy goodies and recipe adventures along the way they will just now be mixed in with the outside world. Since the last time I have been on here I have attended a leadership conference, a cousins wedding, and spent too many hours lounging lazily around.

I have spent a lot of this last week at the farmers market mainly exploring the world outside the super market. I bought vegetables I had never heard of and fell back on old staples. I bought fresh bread, flowers, and hybrid corn. So needless to say my culinary adventures have been endless this week. The cooking started with a tomato sauce and ended with a delectable eggplant parmesan; which then needed dessert in the form of banana brownies. As I sat down for a simple panini lunch I was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of accomplishment and cleanliness. I don't know if it was pride for all of my ingredients being fresh and local or of just eating better but I have never had food give me such a complete feeling. Today, I am going to make a rustic peach tart and find a use for my peaches and cream corn as well as the kohlrabi.

On a non food note I have also been organizing my room/life and picking out my summer novels. I started Mrs. Dalloway this week and plan on starting The Hours when I am done with it. I heard that reading Mrs. Dalloway before The Hours completely changes ways you view the novel. Also, I am looking for any book suggestions it doesn't matter what the genre is just give me books that you have fallen in love with.
Also, there is a giveaway going on right now for this adorable bag.
I am a huge fan of the store, Hallelu, in general because they have beautiful things and I can walk there.
It's good to be back